Good Change All Purpose Refill Tablets in 3 Pack

Good Change All Purpose Refill Tablets in 3 Pack

$18.50 Sale Save

Good Change All Purpose Refill Tablets in 3 Pack are a concentrated little tablet that is boosted with powerful native botanicals and essential oils and cuts through grime, leaving all surfaces gleaming.

Designed as a refill to reduce plastic household waste - just pop into any old clean spray bottle. or, upgrade to our enduring "BOTTLE FOR GOOD" made from beautiful clear glass. Choose from Kitchen, Bathroom or All Purpose cleaners to make the Goog Change in your life.

Tablet in bottle and just add warm water - Good to Go!

Less waste - that is a GOOD CHANGE

Here’s how to prepare your cleaner:
  1. Open the tablet sachet
  2. Drop the tablet in the bottle
  3. Add warm water
  4. Leave the spray top off the bottle for 10minutes while the tablet dissolves.

 Once the tablet has completely dissolved, screw on the spray top and you’re good to go!

Be ready to replenish your Bottle For Good Formulation with our Refill Tablet Sachets - available now

Things to love the NEW Good Change Spray Range:

  • Zero Waste
  • Custom Made Designer glass ‘Bottle for Good™’ with a silicone tray to protect on hard surfaces
  • No carbon footprint in the carriage of water
  • Packed with NZ botanicals and Essential Oils
  • A natural bench spray that actually works